Address information and contact

Abovo Media - abovo-media-drone

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Contact details

Visiting address
Dr. C.J.K. van Aalstweg 8F
1625 NV Hoorn

T: 0229 - 274 006

Postal address
Abovo Media
P.O. Box 2153

KVK 37086131
VAT NL8083.59.587.B.01
RABO IBAN NL77 RABO 0161 4584 67


Directions to Abovo Maxlead from the A7
For the correct approach route, navigate to 'Hof van Hoorn'.

From the A7, drive onto the Provincialeweg at the Hoorn exit (Exit 8). Follow this until the turn left to residential boulevard "Hof van Hoorn". Turn off, and after the traffic lights take the first left to get to the parking lot. Drive through the parking lot until you reach Abovo's office Maxlead, at the back left. You can park anywhere for free. The main entrance is at the back of the building from the parking lot.

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